Parent School Association
The Prior’s Field Parent School Association, (PSA) is a valued, active member of the Prior’s Field family. All parents, guardians, teaching and support staff automatically become a member of the PSA upon joining the school.
We arrange school-wide events for parents and fundraise for items that staff require to enhance their provision.
PSA purchases include:
- Squat rack, bench, barbell and weights for the fitness suite
- Planters, four x arbour seats, plants and paint to create a new outdoor chill and study zone for Sixth Form students
- Two x eight-seater dugout shelters for the astro pitch
- Eight spectator benches around the sports pitches – this was a request directly from the parents
- Amplifiers for the music room
We also make an annual donation to the Prior’s Field Foundation.
You will see the PSA at the New Parents’ Tea, at Sports Day when we organise the popular Dog Competition, and in full swing at the PSA Christmas Fair in November. Our Second-Hand Uniform sales continue to be popular and run once a term.
The Committee comprises: The Chair, The Treasurer, The Secretary, Year representatives, The Head and Assistant Head Co-curriculum and Sixth Form.
While the Committee oversees PSA activities throughout the year, the Year Representatives are the key to the PSA’s success. A vital communication link between the Committee and the wider school community, they also strengthen the community by organising class and year group social events for parents and girls.
We appreciate free time is precious in busy lives – being involved in the PSA will only take up the time you have available. If you would like to get involved – in however small or large capacity – please don’t be shy about coming forward. We would appreciate your help and it’s a great way to meet parents across the school. Email