Career Guidance and Pathways for Students
There are a number of options available to young people after they have completed their academic journey are vast and the world of work is highly competitive, therefore supporting career decisions and aspirations for our students is vitally important.
We have created a strong career guidance programme for every young person using the nationally acclaimed Gatsby Benchmarks as our baseline. We aim to develop the students’ academic, technical and employability skills and create an individual pathway for each student.
The overarching aim of our Careers department is to inform, guide, advise and support students to achieve their potential and to raise awareness of career paths which will lead to the achievement of their personal goals in adult life. This is achieved through a creative and robust Careers programme which includes: dedicated Careers sessions and activities, individual Careers Discussion sessions and input into the school’s PSHE programmes.
We enable our students to progress successfully to Higher Education institutions, Apprenticeships or the world of work through a supportive approach to research, access to relevant information and completion of UCAS applications. We want to encourage students to feel confident and take responsibility for their own decisions and choices. Our alumnae have progressed on to a wide range of universities including: Oxford – Fine Art, Cambridge – Music, Durham – Geography, Nottingham – Fashion, Exeter – Medicine, as well as other paths such as Rolls Royce – Degree Apprenticeship.
Our careers provision also draws on a range of tools to supplement our own provision such as Morrisby Online assessments, UniFrog and calling on Industry experts to come and deliver in-depth careers talks. The students participate in a work experience programme to give them the opportunity to develop their skills and to learn more about the world of work. We also offer opportunities for students to develop their CVs and interview skills in preparation for their future career journeys.