Sixth Form at Prior’s Field

Prior’s Field Sixth Form sees students enter the final two years of their seven-year journey through Prior’s Field, and encouraging them to take responsibility for themselves, their learning and their development, so that they become confident and independent young women. 

The girls take the lead in all elements of school life, and many take on prefect roles in the Upper Sixth where they manage and inspire younger students.

The Sixth Form Huxley House is a lively, vibrant place where our students have a voice. Our young adults are given considerable freedom to organise their own lives whilst retaining the support and guidance of an excellent team of tutors and House staff who ensure they are making excellent academic progress and getting the most out of the opportunities afforded to them as Sixth Formers. Sixth Form personal tutors also offer guidance, advice and encouragement throughout the two years. 

Girls meet their tutors daily in groups and individually; they speak openly about their progress and discuss targets and plans to achieve them.

Our Sixth Form enrichment programme, ‘Promote,’link ensures all Sixth Formers are fully prepared for their future and life beyond Prior’s Field and help them develop the soft skills needed to thrive in whatever they choose to do next. The vast majority will choose to take part in volunteering in the local community and the ‘Life Matters’ programme  which helps them understand everything from cooking on a budget to car maintenance and managing finances at university. Many of them will also take on leading roles in our co-curricular programme, from main characters in the Upper School Production to lead author of murder mystery novels in Creative Writing Club or soloist at our end of year musical celebration. All our Sixth Formers leave here feeling proud of what they have achieved having become their very best self, they are ready for what lies ahead.

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